It finally feels like fall in New York. The days have noticeably been getting shorter. I come home to twilight and sunset now instead of bright daylight. Last night I caught a whiff of one of my all-time favorite aromas--the first scent of wood smoke for the season. Down the block, the oaks and sycamores are loosing their leaves, and the rustling "shhh-shhh" of kids running through them brings me back to childhood. Just this week, I've started turning off the a/c, and leaving the fan in the window at night so I can snuggle under the covers. This morning on the train platform, I realized that I, along with most of my fellow commuters, had woefully underestimated the temperature, as we were all shivering and bemoaning our lack of an extra scarf or jacket.
Bring on the pumpkin picking, the Indian corn decorations, and the mulberry spices and pie making. Hail the brisk winds and the full Harvest Moon.
I LOVE Autumn.