Tuesday, August 26, 2008

MIA? Thanks for noticing ...

Is it "starve a cold, feed a fever" or "feed a cold, starve a fever?" I can never remember. Not that it matters now ...

Almost a week into the cold/flu bug that knocked me flat on Wednesday, and I'm just now beginning to remember what it's like to not have snot dripping down my face. (Lovely, right?) Now I'm just exhausted, pale, hacking with post-nasal drip, and ready to go back to bed again. Fooey with this working thing.

It's times like the last week -- when my nose was peeling from all the sneezing, when I was wracked one minute with chills and the next with a raging fever, and when I was falling asleep about 1 hour (or less) after my last nap only to awake in a puddle of sweat and drool, and when my apartment was covered with tissues and discarded o.j. containers -- that affirmed to me once again that I hate being sick.

Is it time to go home yet and go back to bed?