Thursday, June 26, 2008

Storytime with Amber and Auntie Librarian

One of the best days I had on vacation was when I got to go to storytime at the local library with Amber and her Mama. As a librarian, this little excursion made me very happy, though I did stick out like a sore thumb, being camera happy and sans-child. Oh well. What's the Auntie Librarian to do?

Here's the rock star eating en route to the fun.

Amber liked playing with the animals. Here's her panda friend.

She did get a little shy, and didn't go and sit on the mat with the other kids. I didn't care. The easier to film her that way.

After storytime, Amber and Mama went and selected some new books. Here they are in line to check-out at the Big Desk. She's such a big girl!

St. George has this great communal area near the library, filled with sculptures, gazebos, and fun fountains. Who doesn't like to splash in the water? Especially if they are Aquarii?

For ONCE, Amber held still enough for me to take a non-action photo. Here she is curled up with a good book. I'm so proud!

The End!