Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Shoes -- Hazards of Commuting

I was getting dressed this morning and went looking for my black shoes. Now, I'm no Imelda Marcos, but I have more shoes than I'm comfortable owning. Since I have such a small apartment, I only keep them in three places: by the front door (where they end up when I kick them off immediately upon entering -- before I even close the door), on a rack on the inside of a closet door, or under the bed in the "seasonal storage." No where could I find the pair I wanted. Until I remembered! Most of my black shoes are already at work ... under the desk! Don't believe me?

Yes, that's four pairs of black shoes of varying heel heights and one of the brown. There would be a pair of blue heels too, but the "New York" code of dress doesn't include as much blue as black. In my defense, at least all of these shoes are different sizes and shapes. I swear my mother has 16 pairs of the same exact same shoes -- in black.

Now, personally, I HATE (loathe, despise, despair at wearing) heels, so the fact that there's only one pair of flats under the desk and I'm wearing another pair of black heels is strange. I'd rather be barefoot. In another work lifetime I was barefoot as much as possible, running around the office or outside in the grass come rain or shine. Puddles were my friend, shoes were the enemy.

Alas, commuting through the concrete jungle to the corporate world does not give one the same foot freedom. Sidewalks, subways, and the Big Grey Box are not conducive to bare feet. (Just think about the grossness of "curbing the dog," pigeons, and the lack of public restrooms. YUCK!) Plus, I have issues with things between my toes, so no flip-flops. I also have a a tendency to be graceless, to walk out of shoes with no backs, or to twist my ankles while wearing heels.

See my dilemma? Barefoot is better, but I have to wear shoes to protect myself. Maybe I better take my shoes home tonight rather than wear the sneakers to and fro like so many commuting women?

Me thinks there is a trip to Payless or D.S.W. Shoe Warehouse in my future. But I can guarantee that I will never, ever, ever be caught wearing a pair of these. I fall over in flats, these would kill me dead.

P.S. If you think I have a problem with shoes, check out my brother's series on his many pairs (all 8 of them!)