Tuesday, May 13, 2008


According to the ANAJAM (Auntie Nettie's Attic Journal of American Medicine), doctors (aka Dr. Nettie) are reporting a rise in reported cases of a new disease, May-itis. Doctors have found that it is similar in make-up to spring fever and senioritis, with similar contagious symptoms. It is particularly prevalent in educational institutions, striking "older" adults, beyond the traditional 18-26 age range, and is especially virulent in cubicle workers.

Symptoms include, but are not limited to:
  • headaches,
  • boredom,
  • hunger pangs, but ONLY for junk food,
  • lack of attentiveness,
  • semi-consciousness,
  • severe apathy,
  • but mostly whining, as in: May I please stop working now? May I please have someone else do my work? May I please go home? May I please go outside and play? May I PLEASE go on vacation? May-be I'll just have to call in "sick."
Cures include:
  • Dt. Coke,
  • Allergy medication,
  • junk food,
  • blogging,
  • "sick" days,
  • and vacation time, LOTS and LOTS of vacation time -- like most of the month of MAY.

If you find you are suffering from May-itis, please try one or all of the cures.

Good luck.

Be well.