Friday, May 9, 2008

Lunchtime Lyrics

One of the perks of working in the Concrete Jungle is the opportunity to attend many free, lunchtime concerts. Now, I don't often go out at lunchtime, as I usually eat my desk, blog, watch streaming video, and/or do work. Last week, however, I actually went to a concert called "Music for Guitar and Harps."

In addition to works by de Falla, Villa-Lobos, a tango by Piazzolla (played by a Hungarian in a Quaker-like house of assembly!), and a fantastic Rhapsody for Solo Harp by Granjany, there was an intriquing group of songs for guitar and soprano by Fernando Sor.

This was my favorite little ditty from Sequidillas Boleras:

Muchacha, y la Verguenza

Muchacha, y la verguenza
?Donde se ha ido?
"Las cucarachas, madre,
Se la han comido."

Muchacha, mientes,
Porque las cucarachas
No tienen dientes.

roughly translated:

Hussy, where is your shame?
"Mother, the cockroaches have eaten it."
Hussy, you're lying:
cockroaches don't have teeth.

Ya know, you just don't hear that many songs about hussies and cockroaches. I think we need more.

Plus, do you really want to hear about cockroaches on your lunch hour?