Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Another query about infotainment

Please tell me ... how does the death of a celebrity's dog really merit media attention?

First we have the Big O's spaniel getting a whole show dedicated to its memory, and much to do made over just that fact. Today we have Ms. M.S*.'s chow chow getting AP wire coverage.

There are more important things that need media space, say, oh, I don't know: the economy, the war, famine, plague, strive, wars and rumours of wars. Priorities people, please!

Yes, I understand that pets are important family members to their owners/caretakers -- but national and international media attention?


* and this has NOTHING to do with the fact that I dislike strongly Ms. M.S. and consider her the equivalent of a demon from Hell.

(So glad that the comments are disabled! Can just imagine the flaming I would be getting right now ... )