Tuesday, March 18, 2008

RIP Arthur C. Clarke/Star Sightings

At the risk of sounding too geeky (or more geeky as the case may be), I am saddened to note the passing of another great sci-fi/fantasy writer.

According the AP reports, Arthur C. Clarke passed away today in his adopted home of Sri Lanka. The guy was more than a sci-fi giant. "He was credited with the concept of communications satellites in 1945, decades before they became a reality. Geosynchronous orbits, which keep satellites in a fixed position relative to the ground, are called Clarke orbits."

2001: the Space Odyssey .

*Sigh* This totally bums me out. My sci-fi/fantasy favorite writers are getting older, passing the torch to their sons or other authors, and/or dying off too quickly. The day that Anne McCaffrey "goes between" I'm seriously going to have to take a few personal days to reread all of the Pern Books. It was bad enough when Robinton "died," and he was just a character in her books.


In semi-related news, I had another star sighting today. Rushing out of the subway, up Broadway, past the Barnes and Noble, was the star of stage and screen, best known for appearances on Mad about You, Spin City, and numerous guest spots on Scrubs, etc ....

(just for you Jenn ... just for you)


  1. My first reaction to this was thus:

    He was still alive?

    I thought he had died long ago. For me, the day Card drops dead will be a sad one.

  2. Wow. I didn't realize I was amongst such geeks. No offense, anybody.

  3. So, Auntie, outing me to Moosh? ouch. :) he he

  4. Sorry -- Tia Juanita borrowed my identity over there.

    Lo siento mucho.

  5. Tia Juanita? Is that the new name? Ooooh, I love it. still, outing the Flock of Seagulls hair... :(
