www.nationalbowtieday.com |
starring this cutie
Cannon is cool! |
Just like the Eleventh Doctor.
The Doctor?
Doctor who?
photo c. of bro and Grumpa
— Stella (@StellaChilds) July 3, 2015
Representing #EYSO last day of Swedish Days! #stringworks http://t.co/HEk60MGPl4 thanks for hosting The Catalpa Trio. pic.twitter.com/EQZfa889sQ
— Kari Childs (@karimamasaywhat) June 28, 2015
@EYSO Fall Camp volunteers. pic.twitter.com/otseFzGx5P
— Kari Childs (@karimamasaywhat) August 29, 2015
— Kari Childs (@karimamasaywhat) July 13, 2015
Thanks to WQXR's swag from Opening Night -- Beethoven's Ode to Joy - I sent along my love and a semi-permanent reminder that I am there in spirit, if not body.
Beethoven on the deck with the #catalpatrio pic.twitter.com/WzMF3DIEPI
— Kari Childs (@karimamasaywhat) August 22, 2015
Catalpa Trio play Beethoven on the deck at 3pm #obeythoven pic.twitter.com/vJ91LxNUHH
— noel childs (@noelchilds) August 22, 2015
*Unholy Trio
Oh, you know, just a young couple enjoying a kiss in a beautiful, natural setting, plus a rainbow. pic.twitter.com/6DLhp0Ppda
— Justin Hackworth (@justinhackworth) August 18, 2015
This evening just before sunset, I finally got the shot I've been trying to get for years. pic.twitter.com/JFJG4vlAb3
— Greg McCown (@Gregtucson) August 9, 2015