This has been a rough winter all around. While the East Coast has been frigid, the West seems to be spared the weather, at least. The various flu bugs, however, keep hitting the Idaho crew in successive waves.
Despite it all, they still are cuties. And I have to thank technology and proud parents and grandparents for sharing.
This one's from about a month ago - when the three biggest were ill, but they had to go out for fresh air, just to give Momma and Jaime a break. As you can tell, no one seemed happy about it. I think Jaime was just confused about the face-masks that her parents were apparently wearing. (And look ... NO SNOW ... in IDAHO ... in February.)
Elle just looks like she's praying to go back to bed.
Jaime was still a happy girl a few days later.
Cameo by the granny square quilt I made for her parents many, many years ago.
Meanwhile, big sister Elle has lost her first tooth mid-month, which her mother reports she pulled out all by herself.
No word on what the Tooth Fairy is paying for self-removed teeth these days.

She's doing better than me. I only managed to lose one tooth naturally.
The rest involved many many different trip to the oral surgeons.
And orthodontists.
Oh boy. Are they in for it - for years.
Times four.
(Speaking of which, where are the remains of my retainer? I need to put it in.)
Amber's birthday last weekend was super fun.
Mom reports that she got to take the day off from school so she could do whatever she wanted.
She went to lunch with Papa (tradition), went to the park, and got to make crafts.
I really like her cake. I may have to make myself one just like it.
Grumpa shared this one last week, with the report that his mother kept finding him like this,
napping because he was having a hard time sleeping because of a cough.
I had that cough. It was wracking, but let's take a moment to look at the
size of his PUPPY feet.
He's going to be SO TALL!
Just like his sisters!
This is the most recent shot, from Sunday, where
these were the only two sisters who made it to church.
(And the more I look at Jaime, the more I see so many grandmothers - on BOTH sides - in that little face.)
Thanks to their parents for sharing on a site I'm not one, and for Grumpa for then sharing with me, so I can share with you.