I think I'm more scared of how fast the last year has gone than I am of some of these scarey folks. Looking back through my archives, I think I missed doing a 2013 wrap-up of the Back to School photos and the Halloween photos. What a bad, er, busy, Auntie I've been.
At least I remembered to eat (occasionally), unlike this guy I spotted:
With thanks to all my friends and family for these photos. I wished upon my Halloween Tree to receive them through the etherspere.
The Nevada crew traveled up to see their cousins in Utah, and
Drew and his older cousin Levi dressed up as Rodeo Clowns. (Photos courtesy of the bro, from Facebook.)
What a difference a week makes. That happy face was replaced by a super sad one, when he bashed his head on the kitchen island and cracked his head open. Too bad. He could have dressed up the staples to be a mini-Frankenstein's monster. He's okay now, but what a night... We've talked, and have compared our stories on how we cracked our heads open and got our scars. He was bummed that Grumpa had sent me picture BEFORE he could call and tell me.
Tile meet head:
In less dramatic fashion, up in
Idaho, the kids were super cute. I spy a silly shark, a shy kitty, and an orthodontic-ally challenged vampiress/goth girl. (Photo courtesy of the bro, courtesy of Facebook - and Grumpa.)
The little shark is just ... killing me with his cuteness! (Though, doesn't he look like he's doing the evil scientist hand rubbing thing?)
Thanks to Grumpa for pulling some photos off Facebook to share with me, courtesy of the brothers.
Some of my friends' kids are getting too old (?!!!!!) to trick-or-treat, but I did find out that Kari's Krew were quite Kreative. Thanks to her Twitter feed for the photos and permissions.
There was an homage to some YA characters, based on "Daughter of Smoke & Bone, Karou! we love
"Hot Sauce"
"Zombie Neurosurgeon"
Up in Maine, it appears that "mainly" most of
Krippy's older ones were either too cool, too busy, or too camera shy, but there were at least two representing the family: an "80s fitness instructor" and a "hippie." Thanks again to her Twitter feed for the photos and permissions.
Special shout out to family friend Rowan, for her creative entry: Rainbow Dash Equestria Girl! Thanks to her mom for the photo and permission.
Lest you think things were all serious, here's an official photo off of work's Facebook page, featuring most of my colleagues goofing off.
c. Caramoor |
Do you like my costume? I was the Invisible Girl/Camera Shy Shyster/"Oh Hell NO I'm not in photos" taking photos of the merriment.
I knew it was going to be an interesting couple of days when Mr. Peanut and the Edwardian Caroller walked by my office. Then I saw Harry Potter and a Pirate. And that was the Marketing Department!
The next day we had a Black & White masked Soiree at work, with a photo booth for the entertainment. The staff may have spent some time "testing" it out.
Lots of fun was had by most..... Especially the ghooooooosts.
Three final shout-outs for honorable costume mentions, thanks to online Twitter feeds and other social media. I actually don't have permission, but will give attribution.
1. L Train
"My son as the L Train on the L Train Stop as the L Train approaches. "
3. New Halloween Tradition c. of the web series, Classic Alice: BOOLING
Booling: Bowling as a ghost, ala Rip Van Winkle, Washington Irving, homage.
The biggest ghosts of my life these days are those
Ex Machina, aka in the railroad machines ... My commutes have been
eventful. Thanks
Mother Nature and Deferred Capital Maintance Programs at the MTA. *anger fists*