June, July and August have flown by, whipping through my allotment of Summer Fridays off from work. I decided that I should escape the Attic and the lists of projects and UFOs (unfinished objects) calling my name.
I filled my Sherpa bag with the camera, two books, a pillow, a huge thing of frozen water, a Toy Society donation, and a large floppy hat and headed off to the New York Botanical Garden.
I should have explored more. I know the roses are in bloom, the Monet Exhibition is changing for the season, plus there are his paintings in the Library, not to mention the Bronx River and my waterfall, but I headed back to my bench -- for the shade, nostalgia, and proximity to shops and restrooms. I lucked out too, the gardeners had two of those large fan sprinklers going on the hedges. When the wind was just right, I got a refreshing misting.

Afternoon rediscoveries: If you are still and really into your first book of the day, the sparrows will play in the puddles at your feet - drinking, dipping, and splashing in avian delight. If you move, you disturb them, so you learn. You learn to rest your camera on your chest and freeze until the other wildlife feels comfortable enough to come out and play. (Hello Mr. Chips.)

Solitude is a catalyst for innovation. ~ Susan Cain
Reading through Susan Cain's
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking, you also discover answers and a fellowship of other introverts. You decide that you MUST copy pages and pages of this novel to present to supervisors and human resource representatives to explain your difficulties and dilemmas in your current working set-up. It's a relief to see written down the
whys and
hows, and
oh, yes - that's me ... that's always been me and
thank goodness someone else gets it, and discover that not only have you already learned how to cope/function with scenarios over the years, but why some other situations have been so much more difficult lately.
Seriously, even though I glossed over some of the more technical scientific/psychological stuff, I devoured this whole book in an afternoon -- in the quiet seclusion that I need and crave after a week commuting to New York and dealing with all my work stress. Check out the author's website about the book at: http://www.thepowerofintroverts.com/about-the-book/
[Yo - this means you DAD, J and Ms. Jenn!]
After finishing this book, the afternoon public hours at the Garden were drawing to a close, so I packed up and decided to meander back to the train. I inadvertently almost crashed a wedding. Nice venue - and later - whoops there's the bridal party. Let's get out of the way before the wedding photographer gets annoyed.

I also left a Toy Society token behind for someone to take home with them. Maybe a wedding guest found it? Or one of the bunnies grazing around the various beds and walls thought it was a special friend?

Hints of fall already are creeping in, (and I don't mean the Christmas Creep which is a whole other thing that is super annoying about the "end of summer"), with the beginnings of leaves falling, blooms moving into the yellows, browns, and golds of fall, and summer twilight casting a rosy glow.
Bye bye "official" Summer Fridays. I shall miss you, so much!
Unofficially, I will be "sick" a lot of Fridays/Mondays in September/October, just to tide me through 'til Thanksgiving. (Or something. I'm pretty sure my supervisor(s) and HR don't read this. I hope so anyway.)