So obviously I just stopped blogging on this platform. I'll get back to it eventually. Or not. I'm taking a break from all social media. It seemed necessary for my mental health.
The last few years have been busy and … challenging:
- 2015 Happened.
- 2016 Let's call it The Lost Year. (Obviously words failed me.)
- 2017 about broke me. Literally. Mentally.
- 2018 was ridiculous, proving 2017 was just a warm up. (Good thing I was already broken so it couldn't hurt as much.#2018TrashCanFire I thought things were going okay, but maybe not?)
- 2019 was such a blur. I know there were highlights, but then stuff happened and carried into the next year...
- And then in March#2020 really took a turn. Who can even categorize 2020? Do we dare?
I kinda want a do-over of some of the last few years. But life doesn’t work that way.
So for now, I'm hunkering down. Regrouping. Trying to stay safe and sort some stuff out.
Stay safe everyone. Stay well.
Friday, May 29, 2009
An open letter to TLC
I am hereby boycotting your entire channel. You used to be a quality source of information and entertainment. I used to spend entire nights and weekends solely tuned to your program lineup. (Well, before you fired Paige anyway. Since then it’s been hit or miss.) I would still occasionally stop on by to visit with Stacy and Clinton, the Roloffs, and to see the antics of the various large families. Not anymore.
I am appalled that, despite misgivings last season from one father on a certain show, (you know which one I’m talking about), you have chosen to renew the program. As the events of the summer unfolded, and are still continuing to unfold in the media, I am even more appalled that the program has not been pulled off the air … FOR THE SAKE OF THE CHILDREN.
These are impressionable young children, NOT actors, who have been thrust into the limelight. Over the last few seasons, the editing and footage aired has made it clear, to me, at least, that at least the older set of children have issues. The younger set of multiples is approaching the age when they will be entering public school, if they haven’t already. Before the mess that is now embroiling their parents became public, that factor should have been considered as well. Now they all have to deal with fame, paparazzi, stress between their parents, isolation, and an endless time period of speculation from their peers and the public.
For the sake of those children, I have imposed my own blackout of all coverage of this mess. I turn the channel when the “news” brings it up. I don’t read articles about it. This will be my only statement about it. If only I could, I would get others to join me in boycotting the program and watching your channel. Even more importantly, I would start a campaign to boycott the purchasing of products from any and all advertisers on the program and your channel.
When you bring back a real quality Learning Channel, TLC, perhaps I might visit you again.
But until then, Shame on you.
Auntie Nettie
Thursday, May 28, 2009
City Gardener Week 6
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Retroblog May 27, 1983

I have had many things happen to me. On the 18th of May we Merrie Miss Girls had our own Merrie's Miss Mom Nite it was fun.
Why is it that I can't remember what happened in 1983, but my mother can remember what happened, who was there, and in the case of the talent shows, can remember what I played?
Maybe if I had spent more time writing things in down in this journal I might be able trigger a memory.
As you can tell, I wasn't much for recording the details. Given the time of day, I was probably supposed to be doing something else ...
Monday, May 25, 2009
More Advice to Tourists
Tempations are everywhere. Grand Central Terminal is especially dangerous, what with these types of Zaro's displays to taunt you. Their popcorn is especially delicious at 11:30 p.m. when it serves as dinner for those of us who work too late and don't have a chance to eat (aside from cookies and Dt. Coke).

Could you do us regular commuters all a flavor? Please!?
See us coming (like a stampeding herd of buffaloes)? We have trains to catch. We want to get the heck out of the Big Apple (or our heels, suits, pantyhose, you name it.) Like when you drive, stay to the slow lane (on the sides). Hug the walls. Get out of the middle of passageway.
Once you have your food, do not attempt to walk, talk AND drink/eat. Go downstairs, get some food there, or find a chair. Better yet ... just leave the terminal and head elsewhere. We'd appreciate it.
P.S. If you buy me a chocolate cake at Zaro's or a piece of Mississippi Mud Pie from the Little Pie Company, I might be more inclined to put up with you. Just saying.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
City Gardener Week 5?
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Lost on the Rails

I have located your shoes.
These silvery stilettos have been seen lying in the middle of the 42nd Street shuttle tracks at Track 1, just beyond the Stairway to Nowhere on the Grand Central Terminal side.
Pray tell Sisters: How have your soles survived the absence of these party shoes? What roads have your heels travelled? How can they stack up to the stories swirling in my imagination? What tales of your night life might these strappy numbers tell?
Alas, my vivid imagining of your revels quickly succumbed to my gag reflex. The sight of a very large rodent lying quite bloodily squished to death by subway car not inches from these accessories brought to an abrupt end my daydreaming.
Too bad.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Legal Linguistics
When leaving messages about the status of any legal action, never use the words "held over" or "over." "Over" has connotations of finality and/or completion. If the trial has been postponed, deferred, delayed, moved to another date, on hiatus, in recess, not happening anytime soon, etc. USE ONE OF THOSE WORDS INSTEAD.
Think about the recipient. They may be retrieving voice messages via their cell phones while on train platforms. Their reception may be spotty and muddled by loud background noises. Your use of "over" may leave the listener with the sense that maybe a long, arduous four-year process may be finally over ... A bit of optimism which could be promptly squashed (to bits) upon hearing the rest of the words in the message, especially the part about "until June 2."
Second and third listening of your message under better conditions may confirm that, in fact, "over" doesn't really mean "over."
Thank you.
Auntie Nettie
I know it's not over until it's over, but I'm SO over this whole legal mess already. People really choose to be in the legal profession? People choose to torment other people with ongoing legal actions? People choose to do this sometimes intentionally?
Query: When is "over" really, really, truly "OVER" when it comes to lawsuits and trials?
Answer: Wait. Don't answer that. Just continue to pray to the dietie(s) of your choice that it is really "over" soon, settled amicably out of court, without my presence in a courtroom, without affecting my pocketbook, and without the possibility of the issue rearing its head again.
I'm off to console myself with caffeine and lots of big fat carbs and to count down until the time when my plane ticket precludes me from being on the East Coast. Like around the time when the next trial date is "supposed" to occur!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Retroblog May 18, 1980

Given the day and time of the week and the tenor of this entry, I think it was written as part of a Sunday School class. Definitely notice the testimonial feel and "churchy" tone. Also, my penmanship is remarkably neat, so I must have known that someone else was going to be looking at the entry, and was editing and writing carefully for public consumption.
That being writ, still some very important lessons for a little person, and for big ones as well.
I definitely love and like my brothers a WHOLE heck of a lot more now than I was going to in some post 1980s years. (Teenage years and siblings -- that's another entry for another time.) I know they agree with me in saying that the family motto: "We love each other, from a distance." has totally helped our relationships.
While I'm not so good with the running or playing, (too many fries and tricky knees, you know) service to others is an important life lesson. So, go out and practice random acts of kindness. I've been telling people that since I was eight.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
More Adventures of the Shushing Librarian
I had such a good time on vacation with Auntie Nettie. As you've read, we had lots of adventures, travelled far and wide, and ate lots of food. Mostly though, it was good to hang out with friends in their country kitchens, where we gossiped a lot, caught up on news, and prepared food for the soul.

Thursday, May 14, 2009
More Adventures of the Shushing Librarian
The other day I told you about how I needed to get out of the Big Apple and visit the country. It was a very busy weekend and I had all kinds of adventures.
You know how Auntie Nettie is trying to garden ... at her desk? (Not very successfully, I might add.)
Well, I got to actually do a bit of gardening myself.

This crop of violets it turning out quite well. Don't you think? I also took a walk in a country forest.
What they don't tell you about the deep woods,is that it smells foul.

To clear that smell out of our noses,we drove down to the coast and visited a lighthouse,

and got to see some of the mutant sea creatures.Look at the size of that ... beak!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
More Adventures of The Shushing Librarian
Sorry it's been so long since my last blog entry,

I had had it. I've been so busy in the Big Apple,

travelling around on the subway system

Plus, I got held up at knife point the other day,

Monday, May 11, 2009
City Gardener Week 4
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Poet now "Puss in Books?"

photo caption: Fidel the cat spends his days at Deal library while his owners are at work
A Kent library has been visited almost every day for two years by its own "puss in books", the council has said. Fidel, an eight-year-old black cat, turns up at Deal library almost every day while his owners are at work.
He spends the day on his favourite blue chair, only leaving the building when he sees his owners arriving home.
Staff say they have never tried to encourage Fidel with food and even used to put him outside when he first began to visit them, but he always came back.
'Art critic'
Heather Hilton, district manager for Deal Library, said: "Fidel certainly seems to like coming here and he's very popular with our customers.
"I think he's a bit of an art critic too because we sometimes see him examining the pictures on the gallery wall," she added.
A spokeswoman for Kent County Council which runs the library said Fidel was such a "dedicated customer" that he sometimes arrived before staff and could be found waiting at the front door.
Fidel is a rescue cat, whose owners chose him from a local sanctuary after he was found abandoned in a flat in Deal.
Personally, I think that this is the spirit of Edgar Allan Poe ironically reincarnated into another "Black Cat." Who say that there isn't a spirit of perverseness at work on the higher planes? I mean, look at that cat! Look at Poe ... It's not too fur-fetched.
Friday, May 8, 2009
UPDATE: You might be a redneck if ...
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Editriss at large
I recently spent some time at your facilities. Thank you for the large signage which helped me find my way to your various care units and parking garage.