~ Anonymous
My resolution for the New Year is to more fully appreciate the present ...
May you all have a very Happy New Year!
So obviously I just stopped blogging on this platform. I'll get back to it eventually. Or not. I'm taking a break from all social media. It seemed necessary for my mental health.
The last few years have been busy and … challenging:
- 2015 Happened.
- 2016 Let's call it The Lost Year. (Obviously words failed me.)
- 2017 about broke me. Literally. Mentally.
- 2018 was ridiculous, proving 2017 was just a warm up. (Good thing I was already broken so it couldn't hurt as much.#2018TrashCanFire I thought things were going okay, but maybe not?)
- 2019 was such a blur. I know there were highlights, but then stuff happened and carried into the next year...
- And then in March#2020 really took a turn. Who can even categorize 2020? Do we dare?
I kinda want a do-over of some of the last few years. But life doesn’t work that way.
So for now, I'm hunkering down. Regrouping. Trying to stay safe and sort some stuff out.
Stay safe everyone. Stay well.
Auntie Nettie's parents in 1967, around the date of their wedding. They were both in their very early 20s, but Mom was the "older woman." You go Dad!
Many years ago for a Church bulletin, my mother wrote a little essay on how she and Dad met. It's not quite the story that my brothers and I grew up hearing, but it's pretty close.
Which version of this courtship do you want? Dad tells the children that Mom chased him, he tripped on his untied shoe lace, could not get away, and then Mom caught him. Mom remembers that she was blown away when Dad asked her on bended knee to marry him because most of their time together previously had been spent listening to Dad’s problems with girlfriends in Corpus Christi, Texas and Memphis, Tennessee. [Go Pop! You dog, you!] Whichever version one believes, the facts are that Mom was teaching junior high school English in Norfolk, Virginia and Dad was transferred to Norfolk by the Navy for a three month school. They met at the Norfolk Ward after Easter. This was the Vietnam era; therefore, there were as many as twenty LDS single service men in the ward at one time. They had firesides, dances, group activities all the time, as many of the group as could getting together and getting to know one another. They all got along well and were friends helping each other to grow in the gospel and careers. Most of the servicemen were not officers nor returned missionaries but were faithful to the Priesthood and the Church. Those who were not did not look up the Church and got lost on the bases of ships. Anyway, Mom and Dad became friends, did a lot of talking, and after Dad either got on bended knee or tripped on that shoe lace and Mom caught him, they have continued to be friends and to do a lot of talking for the last [forty plus] years.
First Result:
638 Insect culture
Class: 600 Technology
Contains: Health, agriculture, management, public relations, buildings.
What it says about you: You are creative and inspired to make the world a better place. You can work hard on something when it catches your interest. Your friends have unique interests in common with you.
Second Result:
185 Aristotelian philosophy
Class: 100 Philosophy & Psychology
Contains: Books on metaphysics, logic, ethics and philosophy.
What it says about you: You're a careful thinker, but your life can be complicated and hard for others to understand at times. You try to explain things and strive to express yourself.
Third Result:
013 [Unassigned]
Class: 000 Computer Science, Information & General Works
Contains: Encyclopedias, magazines, journals and books with quotations.
What it says about you: You are very informative and up to date. You're working on living in the here and now, not the past. You go through a lot of changes. When you make a decision you can be very sure of yourself, maybe even stubborn, but your friends appreciate your honesty and resolve.
Can someone smarter than me explain to me how it is that my given name and birthdate fated me to be what I am?
What does your DDC quiz say about you?
Until then, just drop me a line or a comment if you are interested in anything that you've seen here.
For this and other off-colour Holiday Haters clips from YouTube, thank the Gray Lady.
Thanks for the link Tim!
Students succumb to boredom
Humor by [Auntie Nettie]
How many of you have been cursed with the droopy-eyed blues? Does your teacher have monotone voice syndrome? Do you find yourself gradually drifting off into another world during most of your classes? If you have answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you suffer from schoolitis boredusperpetualis, more commonly known as “boredom.” The most common symptom of schoolitis is seen as napping through important lectures and class discussion. Doctors, parents, and teachers have found that schoolitis only lasts from the hours of 8:00 a.m. until approximately 1:55 p.m. excluding the passing times [time between classes], lunch, and assorted study halls.
Students in the twelfth grade are afflicted with a mutant strain of this illness, known as senioritis gradualis. Students with this illness suffer from symptoms such as I-don’t-care attitude, flippant remarks, late nights doing absolutely nothing, teasing and molesting underclassmen noticeable is the ancient rite of “Freshmen Initiation” which originated with the first high school), and a frenzy of trying to fill out college applications the day before the deadline. The severity of each case varies from person to person, and doctors have yet to find one twelfth grader in America that does not suffer from this ailment.
When asked about her feelings on senioritis and schoolitis, {anonymous senior} could not be reached for comment. It seems she was visiting La La Land and the only semblance of a reply was a faint “ZZZZZZZZ.”
Quite often a student’s environment is conducive to schoolitis. Droning voices, overheated rooms, lack of interest, lack of sleep, and a comfortable position are all factors that students mention when asked what makes them sleep in class.
When asked if she ever suffered from schoolitis and why, {another anonymous senior} said, “Yes, last year there was one class I always slept in. I think it was because my body got used to always sleeping at that time.” Another American student struck down by this dread disease.
There seem to be many different ways to hide the fact that you suffer from schoolitis. Girls with long hair report that they hide their face (especially the eye region) in their hair and their teachers never know the difference. Boys report that they try and sit at the back of the classroom to escape detection. Hats, hiding-the-face-in-the-hand routine, slouching and the ever subtle head-on-the-desk-hide-behind-your-neighbor-and-wake-me-up-when-the-bell-rings technique are all the most commonly reported methods that students use.
Sometimes the teachers take pity on their classes, and they show a filmstrip. What American high school student has not cheered when presented with this “holiday?” (Seriously, who watches those things? After all, who really pays attention to 20-year-old filmstrips on ancient history?) Obviously, looking at some of the grades in classes where filmstrips and videotapes are shown exclusively, not many people are awake during this given “naptime.”
Have you ever looked around your classroom and noticed that you are the ONLY person besides your teacher still awake? Congratulations!! You are not cursed with this disease.
If you have the cure to schoolitis boredusperpetualis, please contact the nurse as soon as possible. It seems that there has been an outbreak of the illness and more and more cases of page face (a very curious side ailment where the imprint of the page that the student has slept on is seen on the face) are being reported and the nurse is getting desperate. Please rush to the health center as quickly as possible. It seems that I too have just come down with schoolitis and am faced with the question of whether to “ZZZ” or not to “ZZZZ … zzz …z.”
(I wonder how much I can get for them on eBay?)
Some of the scariest finds in that archaeological dig were the junior high school yearbooks and all of the photos of the 1980s hair. Those incriminating documents will be locked away and only shown to those implicated on those pages with me, and you know who you are. What really amused me were those inscriptions that my classmates wrote in those yearbooks. You know those inscriptions; the “Have a great Summer!” or “You’re a great friend” notes? The ones to me went more like:All of the views were spectacular that afternoon ...
Can it get more New England than this?
Mutt and Jeff here decided to share a trawler -- christened the Probable Cause.
Views from the Fort Hill hike:
The Atlantic Ocean and marsh
Beach erosion did in this sign
Seashore Lane
Waves of Bittersweet
I said, get away!
I am Jonathan. Hear me roar!